Are YOU Counting Down the Days

to Summer…

…Only a Couple of Months

into the School Year?

Discover The Happy Teacher Solution

Tired? Overwhelmed? Always ill? Exhausted?

“Let Calgon take you away!”

Hold on! It’s not that easy!

But The Happy Teacher Solution is —


Just 21 Days to a Happy, Relaxed, Energized Teacher through Guided Meditation

A Teacher who has peace of mind and KNOWS what she wants.

Build up your potential, your resilience, and your worth.

Know exactly what, how, and why you teach.

Wake up happier, more relaxed and energized — ready for the day.

Give Betsy the international sign of “Whatever!” — because you have time freedom, creative freedom, and you have a passion to follow — no matter what she does or says.

Make sure YOU are good to go. They’re emailing out yet another form to fill… Introducing cutbacks galore and not to mention — increasing your workload for the same or even less money….

Ha! That’s NOT a problem for you.

You Have Peace of Mind, Your Thoughts Are Calm,and You Keep on Teaching

They shouldn’t have that much power over you. No one should.

Take back your passion and your love of teaching.

“Be prepared,” as the Scout motto goes, — be prepared with a strong mind, so that nothing and no one can topple you.

Become happier, strong of mind, more relaxed and energized TODAY!

Get your guide to make Betsy disappear from your thoughts forever!

Start to feel happier, more energized, and relaxed in the first ten minutes.

The value of dedicating just 10-15 minutes of your day to this guide and practice will do wonders for your time management, your self-esteem, your creativity, and most importantly, your peace of mind.

“If you are stressed, you’ll want to check this out.” — Ellen, Rockford, MI

Imagine Having a Perfect Day in Your Classroom Every Day

The students are hard at work, you’re walking around the room, giving insight, commenting on how great a painting, an essay, or a poem looks like, encouraging, being in the moment, not having to think about all the work that still needs to be done, grading, answering emails.

Why? Because you’ve got a plan, you have your ducks in a row, and you are the epitome of calmness.

There are so many things you could be doing. But no worries, again, — the plan is in motion. You have your grading under control, you are answering emails only a few minutes a day, because you HAVE a plan.

All things are going your way. You leave the school at a reasonable time, you go home, and the rest of the day and night is yours. No need to grade a hundred essays or tests. No need to figure out how you are going to answer all those emails.

Again, you have a plan. And you are calm.

Time Freedom to Dream

You spend time with your family, your pet, your friends. You have more time for yourself, self-reflection, self-improvement, whether it would be reading, taking an online course, or simply being aware that you can do whatever you want and feel fulfilled in your dreams, desires, wants, and needs.

What is it that you need? What is it that you want? Desire? Dream about?

Are your dreams and desires fulfilled with what you have now?

What could make it even better?

Have you had time to think about what it is? Now is the time. Make a list. Be present in what you need and want so that you can be better, can serve your students better, and can feel your dreams come true.

You Can Get All of This from The Happy Teacher Solution.

We all strive to do better in our teaching careers, our lives, our relationships. We want to better partners, better friends, better members of our community.

As teachers, we are always ready to give more than we receive. Giving of ourselves, our energy, our minds, every day.

That can be exhausting!

We set such high expectations for ourselves that we often forget to take care of the most important person: ourselves.

Not only that, but others have very high expectations of you as a teacher, a parent, a spouse, friend, colleague.

As a teacher, we have even higher expectations of ourselves.

Sometimes it feels like nothing is good enough. For ourselves, students we teach, parents we try to please, principals who asks you to be a chair of yet another committee.

We all want to be better teachers, friends, colleagues, parents, spouses….

In just 21 days, The Happy Teacher Solution can change the way you live, love, and teach, and give you time freedom to pursue your passion and your dream.

Work/Life Balance — Does It Exist?

Trying to balance work, home life, and relationships can weigh you down. We all strive for balance, of course.

Many times, one or more of life’s challenges gives us a nudge (or a really big shove) which prevents us from being the best we can be.

Some of my teacher friends have said this about the guide: “We need this!” — “I wish I had peace of mind,” and here’s how it all started, with Ellen exclaiming: “I’ll try anything right now [to get through to the end of the year.]”

And “I’m not sure that I know of any teachers who aren’t [stressed]! LOL” —Marie, Bay City, MI

You don’t have to try “just anything” though, this guide can give you a quiet, peaceful mind, energy to make it through each day, no matter how tough the crowd (students, parents, administrators, colleagues), no matter what the demands (email, phone calls, professional development, etc.) and no matter what else is going on in your life (relationships, heartache, etc.)

What’s Missing?

To truly take care of you, the most important aspect that will hold your classroom together is YOU, — so you can answer the dozens of emails every day, get those lesson plans done in a timely manner, and take care of all the little things that can and do go wrong during the day, week, month.

Oh, and then there’s the professional development. You’ve undoubtedly heard that no other profession has so much PD required as in teaching.

All of these can sabotage your success.

Don’t let them.

This 21-day journey can help.

Often, as a teacher, I relied on pondering about life. And how, no matter what, I always felt grateful for everything I had. Yet, something was missing.

In just 21 days, The Happy Teacher Solution can change the way you live, love, and teach, and give you time to take care of it all.

Feel Happier Today

Help, Guidance, and Inspiration

Personally, I’ve always felt a pull for the written word (most life-long learners like you, may feel the same) and when I decided to change my focus from teaching to writing, I still felt like I needed a lot of help, guidance, and inspiration.

I received that help from an age-old method of “pondering.”

I use this method each day to jumpstart my brain on the right path.

And what’s best — it only takes about 10 minutes a day.

Some extremely hectic or long days I practice at night as well, so I can fall asleep faster and easier. It eases my mind and keeps the “chatter” in my mind at bay.

Honestly, I Didn’t Think It Would Work

I didn’t really believe in the daily ritual.

I had even tried it in years past, intermittently, here and there.

But I decided I had nothing to lose.

After the first day, I had no doubt.

My outlook on life had changed. Yes, after the first day and after just 10 minutes.

Just like Kay C. from Grand Rapids, MI: “I can’t believe how good it feels to feel good.”

I had that “spring” in my step — the pep everyone is always talking about, yet many don’t possess. My worries were erased, self-doubt gone, the daily grind seemed more like a walk in the park, and my worst enemy — procrastination — flew out the window.

Sounds a little far-fetched, doesn’t it?

But don’t worry, the guide has a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If at any time during the next 30 days you feel you didn’t get your money’s worth, just ask for a refund.

How Can Just 10 Minutes a Day Make Such a Difference?

Once I started on this journey, new ideas (like writing this guide) started forming in my head and old habits (years in the making!) started to die off.

As I mentioned earlier, I was pretty grateful for everything I had in my life — the prestige of a Master’s degree, nice home, great kids, plenty of friends, etc.

But there was always this voice in my head asking: “So is this it? Isn’t there more to life?”

I know. Sounds so ungrateful.

And no matter how good things were and how much someone would praise my work and teaching, I still felt it wasn’t good enough. I felt like a failure many times after I’d delivered a lesson.

Feeling like I could have done better, found more resources (if I had just spent 5 more minutes researching…), delivered the lessons in a more engaging way, and always feeling that I had to choose between one important lesson vs. another. Choosing to let go, and then wondering if I’d made the right choice.

Sound familiar?

The Happy Teacher Solution can give you peace of mind in the midst of the craziness, energy to focus, and relaxation to make sure your day is well thought out, — because quieting the mind and controlling the breath gives you peace. And does so within the first day. You will notice the difference immediately.

Says Who?

I’ve been there.

I know how you feel, not knowing how on earth you’re going to make it to the end of the day, the week, — let alone the school year. I taught middle school English for 10+ years. I know EXACTLY how you feel.

I’ve been there, at the end of my rope, end of my sanity, trying to get it ALL done, losing sleep, losing family time, and feeling as if — no matter what I do — I’ll fail.

I want you to feel empowered by what you do, have time freedom to be with family, and to feel like you’re in control, instead of someone else running the show.

Making sure you know how to make it till the end of the year and beyond.

How to actually enjoy teaching, be more relaxed and have more energy to do it all — teaching, managing relationships, have the time and freedom to do the things your truly care about.

This Is Very Personal to Me

And I can say without a doubt, that if I had this kind of guidance, I would still be teaching. But alas, that’s not what the universe had in store for me. So today, I’m happy to share with you all the wisdom I’ve amassed as a teacher and writer.

Make no mistake, this guide can ignite a life-changing period in your life.

When you have time freedom and feel in control of your teaching and your life, you live and feel better, teach better, and love better.

The Happy Teacher Solution can make you feel empowered, give you time freedom to enjoy family and friends. All of this translates to even more meaningful teaching.

Take control of it all now.

Feel Happier Today

And remember, the guide has a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

The Energy of Happiness Can Create a New Life

Learn how to say goodbye to exhaustion and overwhelm and welcome peace of mind.

How to go from frustration to calmness, impatience to empathy, anger to compassion, irritation to mindfulness, argument to harmony, dysfunction to order, from absolute obedience to peaceful negotiations — and the solution?

The solution is meditation. (And there’s scientific evidence to support it. More about that later on.)

But not just any meditation. Meditation for Teachers.

And not just any meditation for teachers, GUIDED Meditation for Teachers. A comprehensive guide addressing all the trials and successes of teaching.

Written for Teachers by a Teacher

A tried and true method to getting yourself back on track.

If meditation seems too heavy for you, think of it as “thinking of you” and “taking care of you” and “keeping sane” in this crazy world.

Time for yourself so you can take care of all your worries. And the results are immediate.

Feel more relaxed, energized, and happier today.

You deserve it.

Before you completely dismiss this idea of meditation, hear me out.

I was a teacher for ten years. Then I resigned.

I left a great career — I loved teaching (still do) — my schooling had taken 10 years and over $50,000, and I was making decent money with a Master’s degree. I loved the students and my colleagues, the challenges and variety each day brought.

But I couldn’t take the constant barrage of new things I was required to do. I was absolutely and completely mentally and physically exhausted.

I Couldn’t Even Think Some Days

And I have a feeling you know what that feeling is. You are staring at a spot on the wall and there is absolutely nothing happening in your brain.

You just stare and hope it will all get better.

You know as well as I do that unless you do something (and usually something drastic), nothing will change. You might feel slightly better for a while after your staring competition with the wall, and then you get back to work.

Maybe you didn’t realize it, but you just meditated. One of the ways to meditate is to focus on a spot on the wall and not think of anything! Crazy isn’t it?

Now, What Would You Do If You Could Feel That Calmness All Day, Every Day?

I would have paid thousands to have that feeling while I was in the midst of teaching.

I wish I had known that meditation, deep thinking, and letting your thoughts go is so powerful.

I had meditated before, but it wasn’t mindful. I did it without conscious thought.

And yes, there are many great meditation guides out there. But this guide — The Happy Teacher Solution — is explicitly written and recorded for Teachers by a Teacher, who has been through it all.

Now that I practice it conscientiously every day, I have a clear vision of what is going to happen in my day, my week, even my month.

I have a plan.

And you can, too.

Meditation opens up the tools you already possess to let you have peace of mind and a piece of the great pie of happiness.

Be Positive, In Control, Calm

Seriously, though, I know you are now raising your eyebrows, maybe even thinking of closing this browser, but, I beg you, please don’t. And this is not because I want you to click and purchase, open up your purse, take out your credit card and pay out some of your hard-earned cash.

No, it is so that you CAN have that peace of mind, the one I didn’t have while teaching.

I want to truly help every teacher out there be calm, be positive, be in control, have an engaged classroom, really be able to help each and every child. That’s why I’m here.

Perhaps that’s why you opened this page and are reading this.

So that you are able to have a calm mindset starting today.


Not in a month but now.

In just 21 days, The Happy Teacher Solution can change the way you live, love, and teach.

Feel Happier Today

Create a New Life

I’ve discovered something that can take the worry out of your day, turn frustration to calmness, impatience to empathy, anger to compassion, arguments to peaceful agreements, procrastination to complete focus, dysfunction to order.

Yes, this program can do all of that for you.

It is a commitment, however, yet only takes a few minutes a day.

And anyone can do it.

The change can be immediate, or it might take a few days. But guaranteed that you will feel better.

The incessant negative chatter in your mind will be gone, erased, controlled. All the negativity will be replaced with positive thoughts and actions.

You Can Be More Focused

More relaxed.

More energized.

You’ll be able to prioritize, not procrastinate.

You’ll be able to accomplish routine tasks with ease, not fret about them.

You’ll be able to communicate better.

You’ll get more done. In all areas of your life.

You’ll have better sleep. Maybe even the best sleep ever.

You’ll feel calmer, more in tune with your thoughts.

Your thoughts will be clearer.

You’ll be happier. This I guarantee.

This ritual harnesses your creative powers, your intuition, your inherent ability to create, blocking all the negative ideas you have about yourself and your self-worth.

Clearing your mind of all the clutter that destroys your day, the voices in your head telling you “you can’t, or shouldn’t, do something” — holding you back from your highest potential.

In just 21 days, The Happy Teacher Solution can change the way you live, love, and teach, and erases negativity by delivering positive thoughts and actions into your mind’s inbox instead.

Feel Happier Today

The Results Are Immediate

Meditation has been proven by science to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and even cure disease.

Meditation isn’t an exercise program where you have to wait for results. The results are immediate. Meditation yogis and the millions of people who practice it daily all over the world attest to this.

Mahatma Gandhi, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, etc. call meditation their grounding practice, getting focused practice, getting things done practice.

Now, I’m not talking about just any meditation, I’m talking about guided meditation and a voice of experience, — a guide written by a teacher specifically for teachers. I’ve been there, done that.

I know how you feel, how frustrated teaching can get, how sometimes the lesson plans elude you, no matter how creative you are and how much curriculum and books are given to you.

We All Need Just a Little Bit of Help

Sometimes, we all just need a little bit of help in our harried and haggled lives.

This 21-day journey can change your life, — the way you live, love, and teach.

It can truly be transformational.

Your worries will vanish into the night, and dawn will bring new meaning to every day of your teaching, your students, your friendships, your life.

But don’t take my word for it. Ellen, a 25-year veteran teacher was happy to report:

 “I found myself looking forward to the relaxation time I gave myself every morning. I still use the inspiration to help me beat the procrastination monster that lives within me. If you are stressed, you may want to check this out. It helped me make it through the craziness of the end of the school year.”

And here are some celebrities who practice meditation on a daily basis:

Oprah Winfrey, for example, has been practicing meditation every day since she invited meditation teachers to Harpo Studios in 2011 to lead her entire company in meditation at the start and end of the work day. “That way of being ‘still’ with ourselves—coming back to the center and recognizing that something is more important than you—it’s more important than the work you are doing, brings a kind of energy, an intention that we have never had before,” she said. The results were incredible. Her co-workers no longer had migraines, slept better, and developed happier relationships with their friends and family.

Katy Perry told Marie Claire magazine, “I start the day with Transcendental Meditation. It puts me in the best mood. I wake up and just prop myself up in bed for 20 minutes. It’s the only time my mind gets absolute rest.”

Hugh Jackman (yeah, the Wolverine) has practiced meditation since 1995. “In meditation, I can let go of everything. I’m not Hugh Jackman. I’m not dad. I’m not a husband. I’m just dipping into that powerful source that creates everything. I take a little bath in it,” he said in an interview with Oprah. He also tells that meditation helps him calm his obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Richard Gere practices meditation on a daily basis to jumpstart the flow of positive energy. “It helps me set my motivation for the day,” he says.

Tina Turner, Paul McCartney, Angelina Jolie, Sheryl Crow, Halle Berry, Russel Brand, Gwyneth Paltrow all practice meditation — the list is endless and growing.

“Meditation is an incredible way of centering myself, of calming myself, and really getting perspective on where I am. The best thing about Transcendental Meditation is that it’s such a personal thing.”Liv Tyler

In just 21 days, The Happy Teacher Solution can change the way you live, love, and teach, and sets the motivation for your day, gives your mind a rest, and brings perspective.

Feel Happier Today

Stop Worrying, Start Living

Since starting this ritual, I worry no more.

I have more self-confidence than ever.

My time is productive, and I no longer procrastinate, my day flows.

I’m happier and I sleep better than ever.

Every Teacher is Creative

Sometimes it seems almost impossible to come up with yet another original idea for your classroom.

You want to be innovative and not deliver the same-ol’, lame-ol’.

Students feel this. You feel this.

Start with this ritual and I guarantee your creative juices will flow like the river Jordan.

Even if you don’t think you have any. You do.

Your lesson plans will start flowing, they’ll become easier to write, and your self-doubt of not delivering a perfect lesson every day will vanish.

In just 21 days, The Happy Teacher Solution can change the way you live, love, and teach, and give you flow into your lesson planning.

Feel Happier Today

Taking Care of You

It’s not selfish, it’s necessary.

It’s simply called peace of mind. You don’t have to believe in anything to meditate. But it can certainly serve you well in any religion.

When you help yourself, you help others. It’s a simple little item we often neglect. Being nice and beautiful to ourselves first. If you’re not well, you can’t very well serve others to help them in their journey.

So, remember to take care of you spiritual and physical self just the same.

Again — it’s not selfish, it’s necessary.

Meditation is the Gym for Your Mind

Just like going to the gym, exercising, taking care of your body, you need to take care of your mind. This is where meditation comes in.

Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, states that “Mindfulness … is a form of mental exercise, really. And just as exercise increases health, helps us handle stress better and promotes longevity, meditation purports to confer some of those same benefits.” In a study she conducted, the amygdala, (the fight or flight part of the brain which is important for anxiety, fear and stress in general) got smaller in the group that went through a mindfulness-based stress reduction program. No change was noted in the control group.

If you just go to the gym every now and then, exercise every now and then, don’t make it a ritual and goal to be healthy and fit, you’ll never have six-pack abs or toned arms and legs. You’re smart enough to know that.
It’s the same with your mind. You have to exercise and treat your mind well for it to be well.

Simple Guidance That Gives You Power

The value of dedicating just 10-15 minutes of your day to this guide and practice will do wonders for your time management, your self-esteem, your creativity, and most importantly, your peace of mind.

Clearing your mind from the clutter, the poisons of our mind, — will banish the procrastination, give you laser-focused teaching, re-energize your lesson plans and giving you time freedom to be the best teacher, partner, spouse, friend, and member of your community, that you can be.

As the Army saying goes: “Be the Best You Can Be.”

This is what this program can do for you. It’s a simple, 10-15 minutes each morning, listening to a guiding voice, calming your inner critic, giving you the information and the ability to handle any problem, task, or challenge.

In just 21 days, The Happy Teacher Solution can change the way you live, love, and teach, and delivers calmness, inspiration, and the end of procrastination.  

Feel Happier Today

What the Science Says About the Effectiveness of Meditation

Many studies have investigated meditation for different conditions, and there’s evidence that it may reduce blood pressure as well as symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and other intestinal diseases. It may help with insomnia and may ease symptoms of anxiety and depression.

When researchers at UCLA compared the brains of meditators to non-meditators they found that the meditator’s brain were almost a decade younger by the time people reach their mid-50s.

According to numerous other studies about people who meditate, scientists have reported the following results:

  • Heart rate, respiration, and oxygen consumption are all decreased
  • Participants noted less anxiety and nervousness and felt more self-confident
  • 75% of insomniacs who started a daily meditation program were able to fall asleep within 20 minutes of going to bed
  • The risk of heart attack or stroke was lowered by 8% to 15%
  • Relaxation therapy was helpful in chronic pain patients
  • 60% of anxiety prone people showed marked improvements in anxiety levels after 6-9 months of daily meditation
  • People who meditated daily were less fearful of death
  • Production of the stress hormone Cortisol is greatly decreased, thus making it possible for those people to deal with stress better when it occurs

It Rebuilds Your Grey Matter

An eight-week study conducted by Harvard researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) determined that meditation literally rebuilds the brain’s grey matter in just eight weeks.

“Although the practice of meditation is associated with a sense of peacefulness and physical relaxation, practitioners have long claimed that meditation also provides cognitive and psychological benefits that persist throughout the day,” says study senior author Sara Lazar, PhD.

“This study demonstrates that changes in brain structure may underlie some of these reported improvements and that people are not just feeling better because they are spending time relaxing.”

Leaders in the corporate world are starting to realize the benefits of meditation. Improved physical health, lower stress levels with improved creative thinking and productivity are just some of the benefits CEOs (like Oprah Winfrey) and managers are finding when they’ve incorporated meditation into their company culture.

The Impact of Meditation

Having witnessed the benefits firsthand, Emma Seppälä (author of The Happiness Track) devoted her PhD research at Stanford to studying the impact of meditation. She found the following 20 scientifically proven benefits that may occur:

Health Benefits:

  1. Increases immune function
  2. Decreases pain
  3. Decreases inflammation at the cellular level

Happiness Factors may include:

  1. Increase in positive emotion
  2. Decrease in depression
  3. Decrease in anxiety
  4. Decrease in stress

May Boost Your Social Life

  1. Increases social connection and emotional intelligence
  2. Makes you more compassionate
  3. Makes you feel less lonely

May Boost Your Self-Control

  1. Improves your ability to regulate your emotions
  2. Improves your ability to reflect on issues

Changes Your Brain for the Better

  1. Increases grey matter
  2. Increases volume in areas related to emotion regulation, positive emotions and self-control
  3. Increases cortical thickness in areas related to paying attention

Can Improve Your Productivity

  1. Increases your focus and attention
  2. Improves your ability to multitask (although I personally like uni-tasking)
  3. Improves your memory
  4. Improves your ability to be creative and think outside the box

It Makes You Wiser and Keeps You Real

  1. Meditation is simply clearing out the clutter, tuning into your talents, and getting in touch with yourself. When you practice meditation, you allow your mind to be filled with good things rather than the dramas of the world around you. It can make you more kind, compassionate, and empathetic.

Even if you just gained insight and power in just one of the seven areas, wouldn’t it be worth it?

In just 21 days, The Happy Teacher Solution can change the way you live, love, and teach, and give you time freedom to pursue your passion and your dream.

Feel Happier Today

Become a Better Version of You

Become so strong and love yourself so much, that no one, — not Betsy, not your administrators, parents, friends, colleagues, partner, or students — no one, can interrupt your peaceful mind.

The difference in your outlook on life can be profound. No matter what, this guide can make you a better person, a better teacher, a better you.

Be your own biggest fan! No, not like conceited high schooler who thinks they know everything and are better than everyone else. To take care of everyone else, you first have to take care of you.

Love yourself. Let you be the best you, the better you, the one with the greatest potential in the world!

Gift yourself the peace of mind — master your life with love and happiness.

It’s an Anytime, Anywhere Method

You can listen to the meditation anywhere, anytime, you don’t need any special equipment other than access to the internet on your phone, tablet, or computer. You choose whether you use headphones or not.

Each of the sessions has been specifically designed and recorded for teachers, addressing the various issues faced by teachers on a daily basis. You can feel that creativity in you take flight and benefit from day one.

Now you can be “in the zone” – with a quiet mind, able to recognize and use the talents you have.

Feel Happier Today

Again, the guide has a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If at any time during the next 30 days you feel you didn’t get your money’s worth, just ask for a refund.

Creating the kind of classroom you’ve always wanted, creating the type of teacher you’ve always clamored to be. Being there for your students, your spouse, your neighbors, and your colleagues. Being there for yourself. Meditation can deliver all of this for you.

Here’s a Snapshot of The Program

  • During Day 1 — Sense of Control and Quiet — you will be able to feel a sense of control in your mind, take care of those “voices” in your head, the negative thoughts, enable yourself to be transferred to a peaceful place, where You’re in control.


  • Day 2 offers you a — Tranquil Classroom — you’ll create a space (classroom or other special place) where you feel at peace. When you’re in your safe space, you can regulate your emotions — and actions towards your emotions — more effectively, which gives you that inner peace everyone craves.


  • Day 3 releases — The Power of the Subconscious Mind — and as you let your subconscious mind do the talking, you begin to understand what holds us back from doing something we know is important. It allows us to begin the healing and to start paying attention to what our subconscious mind is telling us every day.


  • Day 4 gives us — Sweet Inner Peace — Peace of mind can buy you all the time in the world. To gain inner peace for yourself, know that there is always something you can do. Change your thinking from a short-term fix to a long-term goal of experiencing sweet inner peace every day.


  • With Day 5, we tackle the greatest feeling on Earth: Getting things done and we — Banish Procrastination — Wouldn’t it feel great to have your lesson plans done before the weekend like Ellen does? “Hey, I have my lesson plans done for next week. No procrastination here!”


  • Day 7Lesson Plans Re-energized — Having the block to come up with new ideas can be a daunting, no ideas for tomorrow’s lesson, can make you give up, you throw up your hands and lament that you just can’t do it today. Day 7 gives your imagination a boost and knocks down the notion that lesson plans are hard to write, hard to finish, and that they’re a chore.


  • Day 8 — Insight into Challenges — Feeling stressed about a challenging situation isn’t the most difficult part. It is the frustration over not knowing what will solve that challenge that keeps us up at night, wondering, feeling anxious. When we decide to accept the challenge and solve it, we can conquer every challenge, and we can imagine ourselves being a persevering teacher, someone who only gains strength from the obstacles and challenges in our way.


  • Day 9 — Create Abundance through Gratitude — Being present and feeling grateful for all that you DO have, and not feeling like you need to impress the Jones’ next door as so many of us do. You have food in your belly, a safe place to lay your head, and the greatest job on earth! When you’re abundant in time and vitality of life, you’re truly free.


  • Day 11 The Happy Teacher Rituals — Ritual are meaningful, thought-out, thought-provoking ideas to better yourself. Today we start cultivating rituals that propel your teaching forward and that gives you the highly coveted time freedom.

In just 21 days, The Happy Teacher Solution can change the way you live, love, and teach, and give you time freedom to pursue your passion and your dream.

Feel Happier Today

Greatest Year Ever

If you stick with me through the 21 days, you will find out how to have the greatest year of your teaching career ever. This guide will show you how, take you step by step, and then — whenever you feel like it, you can listen to the recordings again and again, and read the guide whenever you feel like you need a lift in your day, week, or month.

I’ve listened to the guided recording for the Writer’s Meditation four times this year. And each time, I get something more out of them.

How does that work?

Because I’ve evolved in what I do, my craft, the kind of writing I write, the type of clients I want to attract. It’s an evolving craft, just like teaching.

Since you started teaching, you’ve probably changed — the way you teach, the way you tackle problems, the way you interact with your students- —it’s an ever-evolving thing, this teaching that you do.

Embrace it. And be you.

In just 21 days, The Happy Teacher Solution can change the way you live, love, and teach, and give you time freedom to pursue your passion and your dream.

Feel Happier Today

Know a teacher that’s overwhelmed and exhausted? This is for them.

Written for Teachers by a Teacher.

Share with all the teachers you know. They’ll thank you for it.

But don’t take my word — here’s S.B. from Grand Rapids, MI: “I thought I’d fall back to sleep so early in the morning, but after just the first 10-minute session, I was energized and felt energized the whole rest of the day!”

Feel Happier Today

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Create the Happy Teacher’s Life NOW!

Right now, it’s less than the double espressos you get for yourself and your colleagues each Monday morning at Starbucks. When you follow this guide, you might not even need as much caffeine — you’ll be jumping out of bed, ready for whatever the day brings you!

Act Now — after February 1st, 2019, the price jumps to the regular price of $29.00!